Thank you for your purchase!
You’ll receive an email confirmation shortly for your receipts as well as a welcome email in the coming week with everything you need to get started.
I can’t wait to share this journey with you!
You have saved your spot for TranceForm Feb 8-12
Or Block off these times in your calendar now:
Masterclass schedule:
Feb 8th 12-2pm EST Day 1: Container
Nervous system tools for staying calm and present this retreat
Feb 9th 12-2pm EST Day 2: Commitment
Brain tools to make your life’s magic happen through desire and clarity
Feb 10th 12-2pm EST Day 3: Creativity
The biology of resilience and power of shaking it off
Feb 11th 12-2pm EST Day 4: Celebration
Share and be seen by our community for the life you claim!
Feb 12th 12-2pm EST Day 5: Completion
Go out with a bang, epic dance party, and final bonus surprise!
You have a chance to change your life
Because you’re creating space to take this retreat seriously, saving time to attend the calls and take the actions, incredible and even life changing results are possible for you!