What is TranceForm?!
Click Play - Sound On - Find Out!
Channel Your Creative Power
Revitalize your body: No dance skills necessary! This movement has nothing to do with performance and everything to do with reconnecting you to your truest source of wisdom, your body, so you can channel all your stuck energy into creative power.
Take charge of your life: Bring the movement into your real life! Actually take action to clean out the life clutter that’s been keeping you in overwhelm, so you can fully commit to making your dreams a reality. That thing you’ve been pushing off? It’s happening - THIS weekend!
Join the movement: We’re all better together! Join a like-minded community of women all over the globe stepping into their authentic expression, intuitive wisdom, and embodied power so we can be the change we want to see in the world, together.
Manifest Through Movement
Moving your body authentically creates the right neuro-chemicals, inner vision, and energy you need to take your big leap + consistent action to make your magical life happen!
TranceForm is a movement practice designed to take you on the journey of your inner wilderness so you can learn to confidently trust your inner guidance and live the incredible, vibrant life you are made for.
This process is backed by science and based in the nervous system, so you can finally understand and trust your mind-body connection and access ALL your creative power.
What You’ll Get
As much transformation as my $1500 in-person event:
🌺 4 TranceForm movement labs and
🌺 1 epic dance party to find freedom in your body
🌺 5 masterclasses to teach you the process of
creating your own embodied transformation
🌺 offline, land-based ceremony and opportunities
to take action today to empower your life
🌺 Learn how TranceForm, your Personal Manifestation Roadmap, and
the full Embodied Transformation Process can change your life forever by helping you accept ALL of yourself and take empowered action
🌺 everything recorded and replays available for an extra week!
“I can not recommend Riyah Thor enough!! She’s really more like a shamanistic transformational guide!! The stuck bits & old stories that I have moved & transformed through with her dance facilitation is not something words can’t do justice for- but the body sure knows it as truth! It’s only $27 for 3 days and there could NOT be a better way to usher yourself into the next chapter, in my opinion 🙌⚡️❤️ and I’ll be there!!” -Kayla
“I struggle with self-trust, boundaries and trusting others. I have been in therapy for 10 years to unpack all of this. I still struggle to clearly assert my needs. A few months ago, after yet another unhealthy relationship, I had a coaching session with Riyah Thor. She held such a strong, supportive and safe container for me to dive right into my fear and the roots of my doubt to practice asserting my "yes" and my "no". The questions she asked cut straight through all the mind chatter and got right to the heart. I feel like I did 10 years worth of therapy in an hour. Riyah is a clear mirror, deeply embodied and has a fiercely loving capacity to hold space with a phenomenal balance of healthy feminine and masculine energy. If you're looking to turn the page on old patterns and start shifting them quickly and honestly, take advantage of Riyah’s offerings and consider giving yourself this gift!” -Tess
Well this was totally worth it. I reached some levels I didn't even know existed. Riyah asked the right questions, gave me the right projects to get me to the right place I needed to be. I am at a place now where I'm defining my own definition of Love, of Integrity and peacefully learning of the old scripts that are no longer needed. I am thankful for it all. Because of this, I have more acceptance, awareness and love to continue on reaching for those new next levels! -Ash
All This for Only $27 early bird!
What’s the Music Like?
Sample a set now:
TranceForm was created by Riyah Thor
Riyah’s a Professional Somatic Coach who helps women create incredible lives through transforming their mind body connection so they can manifest more powerfully and authentically. Riyah saw common patterns in her clients who made the most meaningful and sustaining changes in their lives, and studied how to reproduce that process through the body.
TranceForm was born to guide her clients even deeper into their transformational journeys, and includes 10 years of studying and practicing 5-Rhythms with SomaSource, 8 years studying and practicing plant medicine journey work, 8 years of somatic coaching work, and 10 years of transformational wilderness journey and vision quest work.