Why Affirmations Don't Work - and the Reason your Brain Needs Body and Nature for True Change

When you change your operating system, you change your brain and body, you change your perception of the world, you change the actions you take because of those perceptions. And that is how, from the root up, you change your life.

However, negative self talk is still a SYMPTOM of the operating system, it's the end result, not the beginning of it. So trying to change self talk through affirmations alone is like trying to weed your yard by cutting off the dandelion heads. They'll grow back stronger. We need to get to the root.

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Riyah ThorComment
If You Want to Love a Woman, Learn to Love the Land

Being drawn to a woman is a beautiful thing, but let yourself be drawn through her, to your deepest longing, to reconnect with the land you were born of. And then, as you cradle into earth’s wholeness of being, as you feel earth and woman rise up inside of your own body once again, that is how you will learn to love Her, every Her, and our collective healing can begin. 

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Riyah ThorComment